Sunday, December 5, 2010

assignment 6

For assignment #6, I am doing a close reading of my Blackberry phone. McLuhan’s reading portrays media as an extension of man. In my eyes, this is exactly what my Blackberry represents. It, although not as flashy and efficient as the iPhone 4 may be, provides me with all the technological advances I feel I need. I constantly have my phone with me, and am seldom in a place where I am not allowed to bring it with me. It keeps me connected with all university based activities as well as my family and friends.

I am confident that I am one of very few students here that do not have a Facebook account, so email and my Blackberry are virtually the only electronic ways to stay in contact with friends. To me, it’s a part of my everyday outfit. In my opinion it is almost a feeling of freedom when I leave it behind and don’t have to think about checking it to answer family or friends or receiving an email telling me I have to set up an appointment with so and so or fill out this questionnaire or register for this or that.

I have come to feel that I have become attached to my phone, and that quite literally it has become an extension of me. I check my Blackberry constantly and use the clichĂ© excuse of checking the time every 10 minutes when in reality its to check messages on my phone. It is sadly a relief when I don’t have my phone on me. Whenever I need to focus or just want time away from everything, the first thing I change is not where I am, but turn my phone off or put it out of reach and somewhere where I cant see or hear it when it goes off. Regardless of the fact that I do not have Facebook my Blackberry supplements its use, and enables me to feel connected. Sadly enough, I feel like I am partially dependent on my Blackberry and have to often tell myself to put it down or aside and focus more on my work or the people I’m with.


  1. I can very much relate to how your blackberry feels like an extension of you. I feel like I am constantly using my phone to keep in touch with friends and family, check my email, and to play games. With all the capabilities of technology these days it is hard to go even a few hours without technology. I definitely know what you mean about having to put your phone away when you need to get something done. I have the same problem. And it does make daily life much different: instead of focusing on other things I am on my phone a lot.

  2. I agree completely, and most people get so wrapped up with new phones and technology. There are so many advertisings for new gadgets and apps it is ridiculous. I am glad you can put your phone aside because i feel people are becoming less socially interactive and its all about the phone. I hardly use mine and face to face conversation is more stimulating and more rewarding

  3. I agree with the rest of you. Like Katelyn has said, I too feel like I am always on my phone, or checking the various applications that I have to keep in touch with people or just see the weather.
    But having to put your phone away might make it worse than just turning it on silent, because if you put your phone away you might be thinking 'hmmm i wonder who's texting me now...' and it could be more of a distraction.

  4. It is amazing how much we rely on our cell phone on a daily basis. I do feel like I check my phone a lot throughout the day. It is just nice to know that you can find out anything you need at your fingertips. When I try to avoid using it as much I do have a sense of relief because I don't have to worry about anything. It is nice to step back and just enjoy people and things that are around instead of worrying about things going on elsewhere.

  5. I think this is a really interesting close read. Unlike everyone else on the planet, my phone has zero applications and I can't even use the internet. But a lot of my friends have iPhones and blackberrys and it's so funny to me how much they use them! But, I am sure I'd be using my phone a lot more frequently if it had all those bells and whistles. Being able to access a lot of stuff in one device is becoming more and more common place. I remember when my phone used to be really cool 2 years ago and now it's a junker that doesn't do anything interesting. It's remarkable how fast technology evolves.
