As McLuhan said, "Art as radar acts as "an early alarm system," as it were, enabling us to discover social and psychic targets in lots of time and prepare to cope with them. " I relate this quote to the first image because I see it as a warning sign to society about how much power we place in corporations and how society allows them to have a stance in environmental issues and influence our opinions. I agree with
This image can be view in two ways. One way being favorable upon them and showing that they care about the environment and are coming together in support of clean energy. And the other view of the picture is negative towards corporations. It can then be seen as corporations taking a positive movement and using it to help promote themselves and use it for capitalist gain. The fact that there are more than one interpretation of this image shows how the use of media is not certain. We do not know that artist's intention by incorporating the logos into their image, we can only take what we personally get out of it.
While "going green" is an important topic in society, I felt that the first picture is not saying how businesses are supportive of going green, but rather how they are using a topic that any people are paying attention to to gain attention for themselves. Businesses are not taking new green measures simply because they care about the environment and want to protect it. They are doing it so customers will look favorably upon them and choose them over another company. I feel that the picture is just a representation about how businesses can use different forms of media to help promote themselves. The second picture is essentially the same thing as the first in that it is promoting an environmentally friendly energy resource. However, it does so without bombarding us with logos and conveys a straight to the point message about the environment.
in that the first picture is showing us how technology is going to take over the simple things of nature. But I also feel it is not only technology that is going to take over, but is the corporations and overwhelming media that is taking over.
I agree with you on your two points about how the corporation cares about saving energy or going green and at the same time promoting their corporation. I never thought of it like that.I find it interesting how you said that "businesses are not taking green measures simply because they care about the environment and want to protect it". It's true that being green is what almoset everyone wants to do now so the companies and businesses would profit more from customers if they are green.