Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Assignment #4: Comparative News Analysis

Your assignment due by Sunday night is to find three news articles/videoclips from different news agencies that share either the same topic or event. Make sure at least one of them is not based in the United States. Then do the following:

1. Research the who owns and or runs each news outlet and include information in your post. Include a one or two sentence brief on the owning organization. (This can be accomplished by a google search)

2. Identify the sources that the article or report uses. In other words, who is quoted, who and what are cited as authorities?

3. Identify major themes/recurrent keywords in the news reports that you've found--phrases or words that you find to be of particular importance to the report.

4. Write a 150-250 word blurb commenting on the similarities and differences between their coverage of an event or topic. Include here pieces of information that one article includes and the other doesn't. Please also discuss why you think these differences exist.

Please include a link if it is a news article, and embed it if its a video-clip.

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