Saturday, October 2, 2010

Formal Analysis

- 4 white women standing around a sign that says "FOR MEN ONLY"
- The s
oup in the bowl.
- Soup in the can
- The slogan that Campbell's has made for this branch of their products.
- The women are dressed in all dresses and they clearly look like they are from a different decade than the one we are in now.
- It looks like they're outside and they found the sign.
- Rugged appeal for men.
-Caring appeal for women.
- Ad is marketed primarily towards men. But then as you continue to view the ad it is simple to see that women are the target of this advertisement.
- The focus is on the sign and the women trying to figure it out.

- A girl with her mouth opened wide.
- The woman is wearing lots of eye make-up and lipstick.
-There is a large sandwich in the shot, and she's about to eat it.
- She looks surprised by the sandwich.
- Then you see that the slogan is "It'll blow your mind away"
- The language and the overall direction of the picture are sexual.
- The title of the item is the "BK Super Seven Incher"
- The sandwich along with the slogans provided in the advertisement make your mind stray away from the fact that it's selling food.
- They use sexual humor to get your attention to look at the advertisement of the sandwich.
- The meal is a cheap price.
- The focus is mostly on the woman and then the placement of the sandwich
in the picture.
- It is supposed to get your attention because you get a "seven incher" for a deal.

Connections to the other advertisements:

- All of the posts are centered on a food product getting your attention.
- The food industry markets towards many different types of people.
- These advertisements use things that you are either familiar with, a face of a celebrity or a phrase and use it to their advantage.
- They use the cheapness of a product in their favor as well. Ad executives know the cheaper a product is the more likely it will sell. The price is sometimes advertised in order to ma
ke it appear more desirable.
- Another common element is to make the picture of the food look more
appealing. Everyone knows you're not getting soup or a sandwich that looks like the advertisements. But it doesn't really matter because people will by it anyways.
- Certain foods and food producers have a target audience. Kids, men, women, people who prefer quality over quantity, and vise versa. Older people, young people. They use the target audience in their ads. Perfect examples in the Burger King and Campbell's soup above.

1 comment:

  1. I like the ads you selected. Even though they are all advertising different types of food, they use the same approach. Each ads emphasize an important concept to the targeted audience (eg sexuality to men in the second ad or simplicity/naturalness to health conscious consumers in the last ad). Either way, each ad is centered around an image with supportive text and then a small logo brand in the corner. Kind of makes me wonder just how creative these ads really are...
